How we use your Waste to Energy Plant Data

Data Analysis can unlock your plants potential

All modern Energy from Waste plants generate a huge volume of data during their day-to-day operation.

The data comes from the plant DCS (distributed control system) and CEMS (continuous emissions monitoring system), as well as from other sources such as weighbridges, log sheets, etc.

Our experience of this valuable operational data is that it is often severely underutilised and in some circumstances only sought out for routine reporting purposes, or following a major event or failure.

This data is key to the effective operation and efficiency of the plant and can be exploited to aid in troubleshooting, efficiency improvement, future development planning, health and safety improvements, and maintaining regulatory and statutory compliance.

There are genuine golden nuggets hidden amongst the numbers!

Working on behalf of our clients, we implement logical systems to manage data collection and storage at plant level. Using the data we can create and run routine reports either as a one-off or on an ongoing basis.

As specialist engineering consultants in this field, we will undertake a high-quality analysis of your data which enables us to provide accurate, qualified recommendations in the following key areas:

  • Creating a true baseline
  • Identifying operational trends
  • Informing maintenance planning
  • Identifying efficiency losses
  • Creating a fact-based early warning system to head off upcoming issues

We will turn your volumes of data into a useful tool that’s readily available at the management level. Forecasting efficiency and trends will keep you on track for the best possible outputs.

We can work with plants at any technical level – what you can be confident about, is that we are willing to assist/support you in bridging the gap from where you are now, to achieve the benefits we have outlined above.

Our goal is to help you optimise your Waste to Energy operation, and valuable data can truly allow us to recommend action to get you there.

As the saying goes – “knowledge is power,” and at W2E we would love to be your partner, to help you take your plant (whatever the size) to the next level.

We are really straightforward to work with and we cannot wait to hear from you.

Call us on 01262 375171 or email

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